It is that time of year again. Where we trade our fall coats for our winter parkas, shoes for boots, the cool weather has become crisp cold and even had a few days where the white stuff has fallen. One of the things about living in Canada is experiencing all 4 season. There are many people
This past Saturday, November 8, was my baby boys first birthday. I can hardly type that without tears falling down my cheek. Not because I am unhappy but simply because as a mom it is so emotional when your baby makes such big milestones. I am filled with all kinds of emotions as I think
One of our favourite things to do in Phoeinx is the zoo. I’ve always enjoyed going to zoos and can appreciate all the amazing animals but now that I have kids it is so much more fun. My daughter especially loves going to the zoo now that she is old enough to know the animals. We asked
Well I think I have finally adjusted back to reality. Laundry is all done, bags are unpacked, jet leg has subsided and tan is fading. We had a wonderful vacation but man did it go fast. I find thats how life is though – the things we look forward to with great anticipation always take
October 31! Its Halloween and it is also the last day of October. I can’t believe Christmas is just a few short weeks away. (I say short because we all know how busy the Christmas season is so it will be here before we know it) I have never really be one to get into Halloween. Sure I
October 29, 1987 a wee (well actually large) baby boy was born. He became the baby brother to two older sisters and life would never be the same. Today I have the privilege of celebrating the life of my baby (now fully grown but always will be my baby brother) brother. I couldn’t
iPads are one of the greatest inventions in my opinion. I first got my iPad as a birthday gift a few years ago before the time of my babes and I loved it. It was easier to transport than my laptop and I loved how I could do virtually everything on it that my laptop does. Along came my
With the cool weather here now it was time to find my new “mommy uniform” for this weather. I love to get dressed up and take every opportunity I can to do just that, but lets be honest on a day to day basis that’s just not practical for me. I carry one baby on my hip
I am so excited because… WE ARE GOING ON VACATION! To say I am excited doesn’t truly express how excited I really am. It feels like time moves slowly when you are waiting for your vacation to arrive but it flies by when you are on the vacation. It has been 6 months since my
Its hard to believe we are already through Thanksgiving. Before we know it Christmas will be here! My weekend was wonderful spent at our cottage among the beautiful autumn coloured leaves and with family. It was a busy weekend but I am starting to realize I think life with a baby (who is on
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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