Our house is getting so close to being done which is super exciting! (Follow me on Instagram to see pictures) My babies love going to see the new house and cry every time we leave which is so heartbreaking but totally sweet at the same time! I can’t wait till we are finally living
How is it already Tuesday!? Wasn’t it just Friday? That is what it feels like at least for me. I had a great couple of days celebrating my husbands 30th birthday and then I was spoiled having my sister stay with me; but even though I was busy celebrating my husband and hanging with my
Where as this week gone! I feel like there is just not enough hours in the day lately to accomplish all I need to get done! This is definitely a very busy season of life for me but I wouldn’t change it for the world although I wouldn’t complain if I could get a bit more rest! I
Tomorrow is St. Patricks Day! March is flying bye… Do you celebrate St. Patricks Day? I’ll be honest I don’t really get into it but I do appreciate the opportunity to throw a party and have fun. Green is probably one of my least favourite colours but I happen to think that
I am almost scared to say it out loud in case I scare it away but I think Spring is coming. This weeks temperatures have been a glorious sign that the warm weather and sunshine are on their way. Things are melting and although it makes for kids getting muddy and wet I won’t complain
This was totally not the post I had planned for today but I just felt led to talk about it and since International Womans Day was the other day it seems somewhat appropriate. I feel like I am in this season of life where I am so busy but so unmotivated. I don’t know if it is this never
I hope you had a great weekend! Are you like me and your weekends seem to fly bye?! We had a great weekend it was full of love, family, friends, good food and great memories where made! It was busy but thats life these days! If you follow me on IG you would have saw a picture from our (my
I am so excited! Want to know why? well besides that they are calling for above zero temperatures next week and that my sister (and brother in law) are coming to visit this weekend – I am going on a date with my super hot husband tomorrow! We got ourselves a babysitter (and she is a
In my last two houses I have had my laundry room on the top floor which I have loved but when it came to designing our new home I wanted a change. I knew I didn’t want the laundry in the basement but I wasn’t sure if I wanted it on the top floor again just for square footage
What a weekend! If you follow me on IG you would have seen Friday night I spent in the ER with my daughter. After a little fall at home resulting in a broken tooth and 5 stitches to her face I never want to live through that again. My sweet girl was so brave, she really was, even the dr and
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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