• I hope you had a great weekend! My weekend was jam packed with all kinds of fun things as we celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday! I think its safe to say she enjoyed her day since she won’t stop talking about it. Now to get everything ready for her party next weekend, I am tired just

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  • My trip to San Francisco was amazing I simply wish I had more time to explore the amazing sea side city! My dad and I spent a whole day just sight seeing and doing the tourist thing and it was a lot of fun. We rented a car drove and I drove into the city down to Fishermens Wharf and there we

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  • While I was away in California my dad and I did another cooking class. If you remember last summer I did my first ever cooking class with my dad locally and it was a lot of fun so given the chance I knew I wanted to do another one. This time we did a 3 course lunch complete with Spring

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  • Tomorrow my siblings and our families along with my dad will be participating in the Spring Sprint walking to end Brain Tumours. April 2013 my sweet dad was diagnosed with brain cancer and our worlds forever where changed. Cancer is one of those things that we hear about literally every day

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  • 29 years ago today a sweet baby girl was born! I didn’t fully understand at the time how important and special this little baby girl would be and how much she would effect my life. At the time all I knew was that I all of a sudden became a big sister and no longer had my parents

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  • TGIF! I am so thankful it is Friday! I love having a long weekend but having a lots to get done and cramming it in 4 days isn’t fun!  My “to do” list might still be lengthy but I am so thankful for the weekend!

    If you know me you know music is in my blood. I am

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  • I hope you had a great long weekend! We escaped the busyness of home and headed north to the cottage for the weekend and it was the best! My babies love going to the cottage and it is just nice to live a slower pace of life while up there. The weather was really great and the best part was

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About Katie

Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.

"scandalized by grace"

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