It’s Friday, Friday!! Time to celebrate it with Starbucks, donuts, chocolate, wine, french fries… one or all of the above! Just kidding… unless you want of course I would never judge! I love any chance to wear a dress and since I live in a (beautiful) province that
Sorry I have been MIA for a few days my blog was having some technically difficulties so I was unable to post but thankfully it has all been fixed! Hard to believe we are already through 2 weeks of the summer! This summer my babies are both so active and so much fun! Each day we try and do
I hope you had a great Canada Day and to my American friends Happy 4th of July! We had a great Canada Day and I really enjoyed having my hubby home mid week! Now we are enjoying some relaxing family time up at the cottage! Now that summer is officially here and most are on summer vacation or
Happy First Birthday …. to my blog!Continue Reading
I can hardly believe it has been a year since I launched this blog! It was a dream for so long and then after some encouragement, mostly from my husband, I decided I wanted to take a leap of faith and launch a blog. I remember there
Hope you had a great weekend! Maybe you celebrated Canada Day early (if you are Canadian)? I can’t believe July is only a couple days away and with that comes July first which is Canada Day and also my blog birthday so stay tuned for that post on Wednesday! One of the fun things about
Yippie it is my favourite day of the working week! It’s Friday and that means it is almost the weekend!! The weather has been so amazing this week we have spent most of it outdoors and my babies love that! Today I am sharing a new recipe that I tried out last weekend! For my daughters
We had a wonderful weekend celebrating my daughter’s 3rd birthday on Saturday and then Sunday celebrating our favourite guy and grandpa! I think we have finally come off our sugar highs although we are still eating leftover cake and cupcakes but we all had a great time! This years
Well here we are we made it to Friday! For some reason I haven’t been sleeping great lately which is super annoying since I am tired and since my babies are sleeping so well but today is my daughters last day of preschool and we get to join her for a little party which will be fun.
Today I am going to share two looks. The first one is the outfit I wore while on our wine tours. We went to two different vineyards for tours and enjoyed a lunch at one as well. I had never been on a wine tour before so it was really neat to see how wine is made. The most interesting thing
Happy Hump Day! Hurray it is already Wednesday and since I like to look at the glass half full that means we are almost to the weekend! Today’s look is what I think will become one of my staples this summer. The day we toured San Fransisco I wore a comfy dress that I recently purchased
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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