Thank you to all of you who texted, sent messages and comments on the first part of our story! I loved reading them all and I am so happy to know that our story is encouraging others. I am sorry this part has taken so long for me to post there is no excuses really other thank these posts are
*Let me start by saying this is an extremely personal and vulnerable post so bare with me. I want to use my experiences and my journey to inspire and help others going through the same thing. It is really hard to write it all out and relive the feelings and things that happened and yet it is
Last Friday my husband and I went on a little belated anniversary/babymoon! We have never left our babies over night before (I left them in May for the first time over night when I went to San Francisco but daddy was still with them) but we were ready to give it a try. My sister and brother
Every time I try and sit down to work on here something else or someone else needs my attention! I know all too well from having two older babies how quickly time goes bye so I am soaking up every minute of the newborn smells, snuggles and trying to figure out our new normal! Some days I am
Thank you so much to those of you who have shared in our excitement of our new little family member! We have been so busy as a family soaking in all her snuggles, cuddles and just loving on her! It has melted my mama’s heart as I have watched my daughter really step up to
Where has the past week gone? If you follow me on social media this won’t come as a surprise where I have been but if you don’t…..
It is Monday already and this mama is exhausted! We had a great weekend up at the cottage, the weather was amazing! As always the weekend just goes by so quickly and here we are another week has begun! It is safe to say that if you know me you know I love Starbucks. ( I may be addicted) I
July 22 already! This summer is going so quickly! Do you want the good or the bad news? Always the good right? It’s Wednesday that means its almost the weekend! I mean it totally depends how you look at it but I like to think that Wednesday means closer to the weekend then from the
Wow this week has been cray cray! Sometimes life as a mommy is super exhausting and I am having one of those weeks. Both my babies have come down with these nasty colds that have left them feeling miserable and that means lots of work for mommy! I miss my healthy babies and although life as
Monday …. really? Already? Monday – you are like the unwanted, not fun, unwelcome summer colds that have hit are house hold and yet I am thankful for today even if it’s Monday! Even if means the weekend is already over because today is a gift to be treasured and an
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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