Wow I am totally loving this weather! Fall has definitely arrived but the beautiful sunshine is good for the soul. I am loving being able to throw on a cozy cable knit sweater with my jeans, grabbing latte and be cozy and warm. With the cooler temperatures here I have traded in my iced latte for a hot one. I have been so busy lately meeting up with old friends and new friends as well as hosting friends and the one thing is common, people like warm cozy drinks. I enjoy having people over and hosting and I was recently trying to think of a more creative way of hosting guests for drinks and sweets. This led me to brain storming the idea of a bar – let me explain before your thinking bad things about me. I love having a bar style of serving, wether it be a candy bar, breakfast bar, ice cream bar, dessert bar, s’mores bar… catch my drift? I was thinking, how fun would a hot chocolate bar be in the cooler evenings we are having now. You could stock all your favourite hot chocolate, marshmallows, flavoured shots, peppermint sticks, chocolate covered spoons… the list could be very long and exciting depending on what you like to add to your hot chocolate. So now I need to invite some friends over and put my idea to the test. You really could swap out hot chocolate for any hot drink really. Here are some fun hot drink ideas for you to try out on these cooler nights we are having. Why not invite someone over that maybe you don’t know that well but you would like to get to know and have some fun trying to recreate these drinks. Make sure you let me know if you try them and which ones you like. Now that my mouth is watering for a yummy carmel latte I will sign off and hit up Starbucks for my daily fix.  To my friends, be watching your phone for a text inviting you over to try out my “bar” idea.

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy the sunshine, get out do something fun! I am thinking of taking my babes apple picking so be watching my Instagram for pictures!




Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate   Oreo Hot Coca  Caramel Apple Cider   S’mores Hot Chocolate Death By Chocolate Cappuccino   Gingerbread Latte   Pumpkin Spice Latte   Creme Brûlée Latte  Peppermint Mocha  Raspberry White Hot Chocolate 

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