It is no secret I love to shop it is also not a secret one of my favourite things to shop for is my babies! When we built our new house I knew they would all need large closets … I mean I want my kids to have things I dreamed of as a child the beautiful (if you like to shop) thing
Category: Babies and Kids
A couple weeks ago by oldest turned 4! How did she all of a sudden grow up and be 4 I don’t know! I feel like yesterday she was turning 1 and a week ago she was born but somehow 4 years have flown by and my sweet itty bitty baby girl turned 4! She is the most energetic, petite,
When our family grew from 1 to 2 children I found the transition fairly easy (I am not saying it is easy just for myself it wasn’t hard) but like I have mentioned on here before going from 2 to 3 babies was challenging. My babies are very close in age (15 and 22 months apart) so having
I am a firm believe that every day needs to be celebrated! Life is such a gift and we are not guaranteed tomorrow! With all three of my babies I have done their monthly photos every month and I have loved watching them change each month and than seeing the
Hey everyone I tried something new! Below you will find two videos appropriately titled Playtex 1 and Playtex 2. Take a look and watch me as I unbox my brand new Diaper Genie Elite in video #1 and see what I think of it in video #2!
Watch: playtex 1
If you follow me on Instagram…which if you don’t you should if you want to see many more sneak peaks into my daily life and cute pictures of my babies who I must admit are the most adorable (yes I am bias I am their mama) … you would have seen that we officially signed the
How is it already my birthday?! It feels like that with each baby we add to our family time speeds up even faster. I can’t believe I am 31 (yes I know *insert blushing face*) today! I like to think that with each year I am aging I am getting wiser and more confident in my own skin but
Sorry for being so quiet over here we are finally on the mend! If you follow me on IG you will have seen that my babies (yes all three) have been sick. I mean the sick that ends up with you at the hospital, the one were your sweet babies can’t breathe and it is heartbreaking as a mama
Well, for some of us buying for the little people in our lives is the easiest “buy” we have to do but if you are like me you are probably looking for something unique and maybe not found at the “box” stores that we usually shop at. This year I found so many cute and
This past weekend we snuck away for a little “staycation” with our little family! My babies love the water and living in Canada they are heart broken they can’t swim in the lake all year round! I had been wanting to check out Great Wolf Lodge but thought it would be best to